Introducing the Replica Gucci Signature Mini Bag adorned with cherries, model number 481291. This stylish bag measures 6.5 inches in width, 4 inches in height, and 1.5 inches in depth.
The standout feature of this mini bag is the three-dimensional cherry accessory embellished with sparkling crystals. It beautifully contrasts against the white Gucci Signature leather background, adding a vibrant and playful touch. The House of Gucci never fails to incorporate nature-inspired elements into their designs, and this bag is no exception.
The measurements of the bag are 16.5 cm in width, 10 cm in height, and 4.5 cm in depth. Crafted from white Gucci Signature leather, it exudes elegance and sophistication. The antique gold-toned hardware further enhances its timeless appeal.
The cherries accessory, adorned with shimmering crystals, adds a touch of glamour to this mini bag. It is a charming detail that catches the eye and elevates the overall design.
For convenience and versatility, the bag features a chain shoulder strap with a drop length of 23.5 inches. It allows you to wear the bag across your body or over your shoulder, adapting to your style and comfort.
The microfiber lining with a suede-like finish provides a luxurious and soft interior for your belongings. It ensures that your essentials are protected and kept in pristine condition.
This Replica Gucci Signature Mini Bag combines intricate craftsmanship, nature-inspired details, and a touch of sparkle to create a truly captivating accessory. Embrace the charm of Gucci and add this mini bag to your collection.
Replica Gucci Signature Mini Bag With Cherries 481291
$562.00 Original price was: $562.00.$185.00Current price is: $185.00.
The Replica Gucci Signature Mini Bag With Cherries is a stylish and eye-catching accessory featuring a three-dimensional cherry accessory with encrusted crystals on a white Gucci Signature leather background.
SKU: BAG2794
Category: Gucci
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