Introducing the stunning Replica Chanel 19 Tweed Maxi Flap Bag As1160. With dimensions measuring 6.2 x 10.1 x 3.5 inches (16 x 26 x 9 cm), this bag is the epitome of chic fashion.
The design of this bag speaks volumes, with its attention-grabbing chain that is clearly inspired by the iconic Chanel Boy aesthetic. The chain is large, shiny, and sure to turn heads. What makes it even more unique is that it is divided into two separate colors. You’ll find a mix of gold and silver, as well as gold and dark silver, creating a captivating visual contrast.
The standout feature of this bag is the latest CC logo, which is prominently placed in the center. Crafted in a stylish woven chain design, this logo is a true symbol of Chanel’s timeless elegance.
Made from luxurious tweed, this bag exudes sophistication and refinement. The combination of gold-tone, silver-tone, and ruthenium-finish metal adds a touch of opulence to its overall aesthetic.
To secure your belongings, this bag features a woven chain CC twisted closure, further enhancing its uniqueness and charm.
This Replica Chanel 19 Tweed Maxi Flap Bag As1160 is the perfect fusion of classic Chanel elements, including the Chanel 19 and Chanel Boy styles, with a twist of modern flair. Elevate your wardrobe with this exquisite piece that pays homage to the iconic Chanel brand.
Replica Chanel 19 Tweed Maxi Flap Bag As1160
$718.00 Original price was: $718.00.$325.00Current price is: $325.00.
The Replica Chanel 19 Tweed Maxi Flap Bag As1160 is a stylish and attention-grabbing bag with a large, shiny, and two-toned chain, featuring a woven chain CC twisted closure and the iconic CC logo in a woven chain design.
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