The Louis Vuitton Multi Pochette Accessoires in the color Pink/Blue is a replica version of the original bag. It is a versatile bag that consists of a main bag, a pouch, and a round coin purse. The bag is made from pastel-colored Monogram Giant canvas, giving it a fashionable and trendy look. The bag also features natural cowhide-leather trim and textile lining, adding to its durability and quality.
The bag comes with an adjustable strap that can be worn as a shoulder or cross-body strap. The strap is inscribed with the Louis Vuitton Malletier logo, adding a touch of elegance to the bag. Additionally, the bag includes a removable gold-color chain for hand and short-shoulder carry, providing even more versatility in how it can be worn.
The bag features a removable round zip coin purse, a removable Mini Pochette Accessoires, and a removable Pochette Accessoires. These additional compartments provide ample storage space for your essentials and allow you to organize your belongings effectively.
The bag is colored Brume Gray and measures 9.4 x 5.3 x 1.6 inches. It is the perfect size for everyday use and can easily fit all your necessities. The Louis Vuitton Multi Pochette Accessoires is a stylish and versatile bag that can be worn in various ways, making it a must-have accessory for any fashion-conscious individual.
Replica Louis Vuitton Multi Pochette Accessoires-M57634 Pink/Blue
$399.00 Original price was: $399.00.$169.00Current price is: $169.00.
The Louis Vuitton MULTI POCHETTE ACCESSOIRES-M57634 Pink/Blue is a stylish and versatile bag made from pastel-colored Monogram Giant canvas, featuring a bag, a pouch, and a round coin purse, with adjustable strap options for different carrying styles.
SKU: M57634-24x14cm
Categories: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton Monogram Giant, Shoulder Bags, Women's Bags
Tags: Louis Vuitton, Monogram
color | blue, pink |
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