Cluny BB M46055 is a superb replica bag from Louis Vuitton that is perfect for those with busy lifestyles. The bag is exquisitely designed with a combination of Monogram coated canvas and natural cowhide leather trim, giving it a timeless and elegant appeal.
Featuring a colorful leather strap, this bag can be worn cross-body or carried by its top handle for a more ladylike look. The interior of the bag is intelligently organized with two inside flat pockets and an inside zipped pocket, ensuring that all your belongings are well-arranged and easy to find.
To keep your items secure, the bag has a magnetic flap closure and a zipped inner pocket. It also comes with a key bell, allowing you to easily locate your keys without any hassle.
The bag is equipped with four protective metal bottom studs, protecting the base from scratches and maintaining its pristine condition. The gold-color hardware adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to the overall design.
The strap of the bag is removable, but it is not adjustable. It has a strap drop of 55.0 cm, providing versatility in how you want to wear or carry the bag. The handle of the bag is single, adding to its sleek and streamlined appearance.
Measuring 28 x 20 x 10 cm (length x height x width), this replica Louis Vuitton Cluny BB M46055 is available in a beautiful Fuchsia/Bordeaux Red color combination. It is a must-have accessory for fashion-forward individuals who appreciate high-quality craftsmanship and timeless style.
Replica Louis Vuitton Cluny Bb M46055
$998.00 Original price was: $998.00.$239.00Current price is: $239.00.
The Louis Vuitton Cluny BB M46055 is a timeless bag designed for busy lifestyles.
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