Experience the luxury of the Replica Louis Vuitton Lockme Shopper M57346 Beige/Black/Green. This stunning handbag is not only stylish but also practical, featuring two long leather straps that make it comfortable to carry. Made from supple calf leather, it is designed with the iconic LV turn lock for added security.
The bag’s rounded and folded gussets give it a feminine touch and also provide ample space to hold everyday essentials, including A4 files. With dimensions of 15 x 10.4 x 5.1 inches, it offers enough room to carry everything you need.
Crafted from grained calf leather, the Lockme Shopper has a timeless and sophisticated look. It is accentuated with grained calf-leather trim and features a microfiber lining for a luxurious feel. The gold-color hardware adds a touch of elegance to the overall design.
Inside the bag, you’ll find a flat pocket with the LV lock system to safely secure your belongings. It also has a zipped central pocket and two compartments, allowing for easy organization of your items. The double handle adds convenience and versatility to the bag, making it suitable for any occasion.
Whether you’re heading to work, running errands, or going out with friends, the Replica Louis Vuitton Lockme Shopper M57346 is a must-have accessory. It is a statement piece that showcases your impeccable style and attention to detail.
Replica Louis Vuitton Lockme Shopper M57346 Beige/Black/Green
$999.00 Original price was: $999.00.$199.00Current price is: $199.00.
The Replica Louis Vuitton Lockme Shopper M57346 is a stylish and spacious handbag made of grained calf leather, featuring a recognizable LV turn lock, multiple compartments, and comfortable leather straps.
SKU: M57346-38cm
Categories: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton Lockme, Shoulder Bags, Women's Bags
color | beige, black, dark-green |
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