Introducing the Replica Gucci Print Leather Shoulder Bag 574803, now available in a smaller size measuring 5.1 inches in width, 7 inches in height, and 2.1 inches in depth. This exquisite shoulder bag is a miniature version of the popular messenger bag, first introduced in Pre-Fall 2018. It is meticulously crafted from textured black leather that is elegantly adorned with the iconic Gucci logo print.
The visually striking trademark design prominently showcases the House name alongside the Web and Interlocking G motifs, drawing inspiration from the vibrant aesthetics of the 1980s. A front pocket with a zipper and an adjustable leather shoulder strap add functionality and versatility to the bag. Completing the style is a secure zipper closure, ensuring the safety of your belongings.
The dimensions of the bag are 13 x 18 x 5.5 cm, providing just enough space to carry your essentials. The grainy leather material used in its construction adds a luxurious touch to the overall design. The front zipper pocket allows for easy access to frequently needed items, while the adjustable shoulder strap with a drop of 21.25 inches ensures a comfortable and customizable fit. The bag is lined with high-quality cotton linen, adding a touch of refinement to the interior.
Embrace the timeless elegance and modern charm of Gucci with this Replica Gucci Print Leather Shoulder Bag 574803. Elevate your style and make a fashion statement with this captivating accessory.
Replica Gucci Print Leather Shoulder Bag 574803
$610.00 Original price was: $610.00.$229.00Current price is: $229.00.
The Replica Gucci Print Leather Shoulder Bag 574803 is a downsized version of the iconic messenger bag, featuring textured black leather with the Gucci logo print, an adjustable shoulder strap, front pocket, and zipper closure.
SKU: BAG2723
Category: Gucci
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