Introducing the stunning Gucci Gg Marmont Mini Bucket Bag 575163 in Black. This replica bag measures 5.5 inches in width, 6.7 inches in height, and 5.1 inches in depth (or 17.5 x 11 x 13 cm). It features a beautiful beige and black diagonal matelasse leather with a vintage effect, giving it a unique and sophisticated look. The bag is accentuated with cerise leather trim and palladium-toned hardware for a touch of elegance.
The interior of the bag is lined with moire and microfiber material, providing a suede-like finish. It also includes a double G logo, a detachable key ring, and two card slots for added convenience. The chain strap has a drop length of 23.6 inches, allowing you to wear it comfortably as a crossbody bag.
The Gucci Gg Marmont Mini Bucket Bag is designed with a drawstring closure, ensuring the security of your belongings. Whether you’re going for a casual or formal look, this versatile bag will complement any outfit, making it a must-have piece in your collection.
Experience the luxury and style of Gucci with the Gucci Gg Marmont Mini Bucket Bag 575163 in Black. Take your fashion game to the next level with this timeless accessory.
Replica Gucci Gg Marmont Mini Bucket Bag 575163 Black
$646.00 Original price was: $646.00.$265.00Current price is: $265.00.
The Replica Gucci Gg Marmont Mini Bucket Bag 575163 Black is a compact bucket bag with a vintage effect, featuring beige and black diagonal matelasse leather, cerise leather trim, and palladium-toned hardware, complete with a double G logo, detachable key ring, and chain strap for versatile wear.
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