Introducing the exquisite Replica Gucci Dionysus Small Shoulder Bag 400249. This small-sized bag measures 11 inches in width, 7 inches in height, and 3.5 inches in depth. It features the iconic tiger head closure, a unique detail inspired by the Greek god Dionysus, and is adorned with stunning Swarovski crystals. The bag’s sliding chain strap offers versatility as it can be worn in multiple ways, allowing you to switch between a shoulder bag and a top handle bag. Crafted from textured and resilient leather, this bag is built to last.
Additional features of the Replica Gucci Dionysus Small Shoulder Bag 400249 include a cotton linen lining, silver-toned hardware, and hand-painted edges that add to its luxurious appeal. The bag also includes an interior zippered compartment, an open pocket under the flap, and double gussets for added functionality and organization.
Whether you choose to wear the sliding chain strap as a shoulder strap with a 15-inch drop or as a top handle with an 8.5-inch drop, this bag is sure to make a statement. The blue leather and Swarovski crystal details at the closure add a touch of sophistication and elegance.
Experience the essence of Gucci with the Dionysus collection. Shop this remarkable Replica Gucci Dionysus Small Shoulder Bag 400249 and elevate your style game today.
Replica Gucci Dionysus Small Shoulder Bag 400249
$706.00 Original price was: $706.00.$315.00Current price is: $315.00.
Replica Gucci Dionysus Small Shoulder Bag 400249 – A small blue leather shoulder bag with a tiger head closure embellished with Swarovski crystals, featuring a sliding chain strap that can be worn as a shoulder or top handle bag.
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