Introducing the Replica Gucci Dionysus Gg Supreme Super Mini Bag 476432 in a convenient size of 6.5 inches width, 4 inches height, and 1.5 inches depth. This bag is designed with a structured GG Supreme canvas and features a chain strap for easy carrying.
One unique feature of this bag is the key ring, which allows you to attach it to a larger bag if desired. The closure of the bag showcases a textured tiger head spur closure, drawing inspiration from the Greek god Dionysus. Legend has it that Dionysus crossed the river Tigris on a tiger sent to him by Zeus.
This bag is perfect for everyday use, with dimensions of 16.5 x 10 x 4.5 cm. It is crafted from GG Supreme canvas, which is created using an earth-conscious process. The bag also features taupe suede detailing, adding a touch of luxury. The palladium-toned hardware adds a sleek and modern look to the overall design.
In terms of functionality, this bag includes an attached key ring, allowing you to securely attach it to another bag. The chain shoulder strap has a drop length of 23.5 inches, providing versatility in carrying options. The pin closure with side release ensures that your belongings are safely stored inside.
This bag can accommodate a cell phone with dimensions up to 2.7 inches width, 5.8 inches height, and 0.3 inches depth.
Experience the elegance and style of the Gucci Dionysus collection with this replica bag. Whether worn on its own or attached to a larger bag, it is sure to make a statement wherever you go.
Replica Gucci Dionysus Gg Supreme Super Mini Bag 476432
$586.00 Original price was: $586.00.$205.00Current price is: $205.00.
The Replica Gucci Dionysus GG Supreme Super Mini Bag is a structured canvas bag with a tiger head closure and can be attached to a larger bag.
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