Introducing the stunning Replica Chanel 1112 Purple Medium Size 2.55 Lambskin Leather Flap Bag. With its dimensions measuring 10 x 6 x 2.5 inches, this bag is truly in a class of its own. Its unmatched elegance guarantees that all eyes will be on you wherever you go. A must-have for every Chanel enthusiast, this bag, also known as the classic, is a timeless addition to any wardrobe.
Crafted with the iconic Chanel quilted lambskin and 18k Gold Plated chain hardware, this bag exudes luxury and sophistication. The classic Chanel flap design features a convenient back pocket, an interior ‘double’ flap with a compartment behind it, and a zipper compartment on the side. The double woven signature Chanel chain can be worn as a single or double strap for versatile styling options.
Measuring 25.5 x 16 x 7.5 cm, this bag can be effortlessly worn as a shoulder or crossbody bag. The gold or silver-toned hardware gives it a glamorous touch, while the adjustable chain shoulder strap ensures a comfortable fit. The designer interlocking C detailing represents the exquisite craftsmanship synonymous with the Chanel brand. The interior is lined with soft lambskin, adding a luxurious feel to this beautifully structured flap-over design.
Made with genuine imported lambskin leather, this bag is a true testament to Chanel’s commitment to quality and excellence. It is part of Chanel’s 2.55 collection, which has become an iconic symbol of timeless luxury. The Classic Flap bag perfectly embodies the essence of Chanel, making it a coveted accessory for fashion enthusiasts worldwide.
Replica Chanel 1112 Purple Medium Size 2.55 Lambskin Leather Flap Bag
$742.00 Original price was: $742.00.$339.00Current price is: $339.00.
This replica Chanel 1112 Purple Medium Size 2.55 Lambskin Leather Flap Bag is a must-have for any Chanel lover, featuring signature quilted lambskin, 18k Gold Plated chain hardware, and a beautifully structured flap-over design.
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