Get your hands on the Replica Gucci Small Belt Bag 527792 Black/White, a stylish accessory that pays homage to vintage prints from the eighties. This belt bag features the iconic Gucci logo prominently displayed on the front, giving it a retro-style charm. Crafted from supple and textured leather, it exudes luxury and sophistication.
The Small Belt Bag 527792 Black/White is a versatile piece that can be worn in multiple ways. It can be used as a belt bag to be worn on the hip or waist, or it can be worn as a cross body bag for a more casual look. The bag is adorned with black and white leather, featuring the Gucci vintage logo and the iconic green and red Web. The brass hardware adds a touch of elegance to the overall design.
Equipped with an adjustable nylon Web strap, the bag offers a comfortable fit for every wearer. The plastic buckle closure ensures that the bag stays securely in place. The bag itself has a convenient zipper closure, keeping your belongings safe and secure.
Measuring 22x13x6 cm, the small size of the bag is perfect for carrying your essentials without overwhelming your outfit. The sizing of the belt will vary depending on where it is worn, so make sure to consult the size guide for the perfect fit. The lining of the bag is made of luxurious cotton linen, enhancing its overall appeal.
The Replica Gucci Small Belt Bag 527792 Black/White is a fashion statement inspired by the eighties. Its vintage prints and retro-style motif make it a unique accessory that will surely turn heads. Whether you choose to wear it as a belt bag or a cross body bag, it is bound to elevate your style. So don’t miss out on this stunning piece from Gucci’s collection.
Replica Gucci Small Belt Bag 527792 Black/White
$599.00 Original price was: $599.00.$189.00Current price is: $189.00.
The Gucci Small Belt Bag 527792 Black/White is a stylish and versatile accessory that can be worn as a belt bag or crossbody bag, featuring a vintage-inspired logo, adjustable strap, and luxurious leather construction.
SKU: 527792 Black/White 22x13cm
Categories: Backpacks&Belt Bags, Gucci, Shoulder Bags, Women's Bags
Tags: Gucci, Small Belt Bag
color | black, white |
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Dalton (verified owner) –
Thanks friend!!
Freda (verified owner) –
good quality great price
Freda (verified owner) –
good quality great price
Freda (verified owner) –
good quality great price