Introducing the stunning Replica Gucci Padlock Small Shoulder Bag 498156. This shoulder bag is designed with a structured silhouette and crafted from luxurious GG Supreme canvas, a material that has a low environmental impact. With black leather detailing and gold-toned hardware, this bag exudes elegance and sophistication.
One of the standout features of this bag is the key lock closure, a design element pulled straight from the Gucci archives. The key is conveniently placed in a detachable leather key case, adding a touch of functionality to this stylish accessory.
Inside the bag, you’ll find open pockets that provide ample space for your essentials. The chain shoulder strap has a drop of 28cm and a length of 70cm, ensuring comfortable and versatile wear.
Weighing just 0.6kg, this bag is lightweight and easy to carry. Its dimensions are W26cm x H18cm x D10cm, making it the perfect size for everyday use.
The microfibre lining of the bag features a suede-like finish, adding a luxurious touch to the interior. And, as with all Gucci products, this bag is proudly made in Italy, ensuring the highest quality craftsmanship.
In summary, the Replica Gucci Padlock Small Shoulder Bag 498156 is a must-have accessory for any fashionable woman. Its combination of stylish design, functional features, and superior craftsmanship make it a true statement piece. Embrace the iconic Gucci brand and elevate your style with this exquisite shoulder bag.
Replica Gucci Padlock Small Shoulder Bag 498156
$699.00 Original price was: $699.00.$215.00Current price is: $215.00.
The Replica Gucci Padlock Small Shoulder Bag 498156 is a stylish and structured shoulder bag made from GG Supreme canvas with a key lock closure and a detachable leather key case.
SKU: Padlock small 498156 26cm
Categories: Gucci, Padlock, Shoulder Bags, Women's Bags
Tags: Padlock, Supreme
color | brown, red, white |
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Very Good Quality! Order More!Very Fast shipping!Good connect and help choose the color thanks seller.
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Very Good Quality! Order More!Very Fast shipping!Good connect and help choose the color thanks seller.