Introducing the stunning Twist One Handle PM handbag, a replica of the coveted Louis Vuitton design. Crafted from high-quality Taurillon leather, this bag exudes elegance with its unique shape, top handle, and iconic LV twist-lock closure. It is the perfect accessory for any sophisticated and fashion-forward individual, suitable for everyday use.
The dimensions of this replica bag are 9.8 x 6.7 x 4.3 inches (25 x 17 x 11 cm). It comes in a beautiful Champagne Metallise color, adding a touch of glamour to your outfit. The Taurillon leather used in its construction is durable and luxurious, ensuring long-lasting quality. The bag is also adorned with Taurillon-leather trim, adding to its overall appeal.
Inside the bag, you will find a luxurious cowhide-leather lining, adding a touch of luxury to your everyday essentials. The gold-color hardware complements the bag’s design and adds a lavish touch. The Twist One Handle PM features a transforming LV twist-lock closure, providing both style and security.
The interior of the bag is organized with various pockets to keep your belongings in order. It includes two flat pockets, a zipped pocket, and a flat pocket with a removable mirror. This allows for easy access and organization of your personal items.
For added convenience, this bag comes with a removable and adjustable strap. It can be worn on the shoulder or across the body, providing versatility and comfort. The strap has a drop length of 13.6 inches and can be adjusted to a maximum drop of 22.2 inches.
The bag also features a single top handle, allowing for an alternative carrying option. Whether you choose to use the top handle or the shoulder strap, this bag is a statement piece that will elevate any ensemble.
In summary, the replica Louis Vuitton Twist One Handle PM handbag is a luxurious and sophisticated accessory made from high-quality Taurillon leather. With its unique shape, top handle, and iconic twist-lock closure, it is a must-have for any fashion lover. Stay organized with its multiple pockets and carry it with ease using the removable strap or top handle. Elevate your style with this stunning replica Louis Vuitton bag.
Replica Louis Vuitton Twist One Handle Pm M59236 Champagne Metallise
$299.00 Original price was: $299.00.$275.00Current price is: $275.00.
The Louis Vuitton Twist One Handle PM is a sophisticated everyday bag made from Taurillon leather, featuring a top handle, removable strap, and iconic LV twist-lock.
SKU: BAG0354
Categories: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton Taurillon Leather, Louis Vuitton Twist Bags
Tag: Twist
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