Introducing the extraordinary Replica Gucci Signature Microguccissima Bag 449654. This stylish bag measures approximately 24 x 19 x 13 cm, making it the ideal size for your daily essentials. Crafted from high-quality Gucci Signature leather, it exudes luxury and sophistication.
The bag is adorned with exquisite antique gold-toned hardware, adding a touch of elegance to its design. It features a convenient handle with a height of about 9 cm, allowing you to carry it comfortably in your hand. Additionally, it comes with a removable shoulder strap that has an adjustable length of approximately 100-110 cm. The strap can be adjusted in 5 stages for every 2.5 cm, ensuring a perfect fit for your preferred wearing style.
When it comes to functionality, this bag doesn’t disappoint. It features a double zipper opening and closure, providing easy access to your belongings. Inside, you’ll find an open pocket to help you stay organized.
Experience the allure of Gucci with this remarkable replica bag.
Replica Gucci Signature Microguccissima Bag 449654
$682.00 Original price was: $682.00.$295.00Current price is: $295.00.
The Replica Gucci Signature Microguccissima Bag 449654 is a compact, stylish bag made with Gucci Signature leather and featuring antique gold-toned hardware, a double zipper opening, and an adjustable shoulder strap.
SKU: BAG2743
Category: Gucci
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