The Replica Gucci Padlock Small Gucci Signature Shoulder Bag 409487 is a small-sized handbag measuring 8 inches in width, 5 inches in height, and 3 inches in depth. It features a key lock closure inspired by archival designs, with the key placed in a leather key case that loops around the chain. The sliding chain strap can be adjusted to be worn as a shoulder bag or a top handle bag, allowing for versatile styling options.
Crafted from heat debossed Gucci Signature leather, this bag showcases a defined print with a firm texture. The gold-toned hardware adds a touch of elegance to the overall design. The bag also includes useful features such as an interior open pocket and an exterior pocket for easy organization of your belongings.
The sliding chain strap offers two different lengths: a 20-inch drop for wearing it as a shoulder strap, or an 11-inch drop for using it as a top handle. The bag securely closes with a lock closure. Inside, you’ll find a camel microfiber lining with a suede-like finish, adding a luxurious touch to the interior.
This Gucci Signature shoulder bag is part of the Padlock collection and is designed for women who appreciate high-quality and stylish accessories.
Replica Gucci Padlock Small Gucci Signature Shoulder Bag 409487
$658.00 Original price was: $658.00.$275.00Current price is: $275.00.
The Replica Gucci Padlock Small Gucci Signature Shoulder Bag is a small structured bag made of heat debossed Gucci Signature leather with a key lock closure, featuring a sliding chain strap that can be worn as a shoulder or top handle bag.
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