The Gucci Horsebit 1955 Shoulder Bag With Jumbo GG 602204 is a stunning replica bag that channels the iconic design of Gucci. Its dimensions are 9.8 inches in width, 7 inches in height, and 3.1 inches in depth (25 x 18 x 8 cm).
Crafted from camel and ebony jumbo GG canvas, this bag showcases the signature Gucci pattern. It is accentuated with brown leather trim and complemented by gold-toned hardware for a touch of luxury. The microfiber lining with a suede-like finish adds to its elegance.
The bag comes with a small pouch containing two additional button covers. These covers can be used to conceal the exposed studs when the shoulder strap is extended, allowing for a versatile and polished look.
At the front, the bag features the iconic horsebit detail, which is a symbol of Gucci’s heritage. Half horsebit details adorn each side of the bag, adding a touch of sophistication.
Inside, you’ll find three gussets, including one zipper pocket and one open pocket. This provides ample space for your essentials while keeping you organized.
The shoulder strap is adjustable, with snap buttons that allow you to vary the drop length from 9.8 inches to 17.7 inches. This makes it comfortable to wear as a shoulder bag or a crossbody.
Secured with a flap closure, the Gucci Horsebit 1955 Shoulder Bag embodies timeless style and is a perfect addition to any outfit.
Replica Gucci Horsebit 1955 Shoulder Bag With Jumbo Gg 602204
$718.00 Original price was: $718.00.$325.00Current price is: $325.00.
The Replica Gucci Horsebit 1955 Shoulder Bag with Jumbo GG 602204 features a camel and ebony jumbo GG canvas design with brown leather trim, gold-toned hardware, and a horsebit detail at the front, offering a stylish and versatile accessory.
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