Introducing the stunning Replica Gucci Diana Small Tote Bag 660195 in Black Denim. This bag measures W27cm x H24cm x D11cm, making it the perfect size for everyday use.
Featuring black leather trim and shiny antique gold-toned hardware, this bag exudes luxury and sophistication. You will also receive 2 decorative belt handle shapers, enhancing the overall elegance of the bag.
The interior of the bag is lined with high-quality cotton linen, providing a soft and luxurious feel. It also includes an open pocket, allowing you to keep your belongings organized and easily accessible.
The bag is adorned with bamboo handles, offering a unique touch to its design. With a drop of 7cm, these handles are both comfortable and stylish. Additionally, the bag comes with a detachable and adjustable shoulder strap with a 53cm drop, giving you the option to wear it as a crossbody bag or carry it by hand.
This beautiful Replica Gucci Diana Small Tote Bag is a must-have accessory for any fashion lover. Its timeless design and impeccable craftsmanship make it a versatile and elegant choice for any occasion.
Replica Gucci Diana Small Tote Bag 660195 In Black Denim
$742.00 Original price was: $742.00.$339.00Current price is: $339.00.
The Replica Gucci Diana Small Tote Bag 660195 in Black Denim is a stylish and versatile bag featuring black leather trim, shiny antique gold-toned hardware, bamboo handles, a detachable and adjustable shoulder strap, and a cotton linen lining.
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