The Replica Gucci Diana Small Tote Bag 660195 is a stylish accessory that combines recognizable elements of the House. Featuring bamboo handles and Double G hardware, this tote bag is crafted from black leather and adorned with two neon bands. These bands are a playful reference to the ones used to keep handles in shape, adding a unique touch to the design.
Measuring 11 inches in width, 9.5 inches in height, and 4.3 inches in depth, this bag is perfect for carrying your essentials. It features gold-toned hardware and has an interior open pocket for convenient storage. The bamboo handles have a drop length of 2.6 inches, providing a comfortable grip. Additionally, the tote bag comes with a detachable and adjustable shoulder strap with a drop length of 21 inches for versatile wear.
To further enhance its appeal, this Gucci tote bag comes with two decorative neon belt handle shapers as shown in the image. The microfiber lining has a suede-like finish, adding a luxurious touch to the interior. With its timeless design and high-quality craftsmanship, the Replica Gucci Diana Small Tote Bag 660195 is a must-have accessory for fashion enthusiasts.
Replica Gucci Diana Small Tote Bag 660195
$778.00 Original price was: $778.00.$365.00Current price is: $365.00.
The Replica Gucci Diana Small Tote Bag 660195 features black leather with neon bands, bamboo handles, Double G hardware, and comes with decorative neon belt handle shapers.
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