Introducing the exquisite Replica Chanel Flap Bag with Top Handle AS1174. This stunning bag combines the elegance of a top handle design with the edgy charm of a boy-inspired chain. Its curved flap showcases a striped vintage CC logo, adding a touch of sophistication.
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this bag features diamond quilting and two spacious compartments on the inside. The real showstopper, however, is the vintage metal signature plate positioned on the top, reminiscent of the iconic Trendy CC Bag.
Made from high-quality lambskin and adorned with gold-tone metal accents, this bag exudes luxury and refinement. Its compact size measures 4.7′ x 7.9′ x 3.1′ inches, making it perfect for carrying your essentials while still maintaining a sleek and stylish appearance.
Elevate your fashion game with the Replica Chanel Flap Bag with Top Handle AS1174. It’s a true statement piece that effortlessly combines classic Chanel elements with a modern twist. Shop now and embrace the timeless allure of Chanel.
Replica Chanel Flap Bag With Top Handle As1174
$778.00 Original price was: $778.00.$365.00Current price is: $365.00.
The Replica Chanel Flap Bag with Top Handle AS1174 is a top handle bag with a boy-inspired chain, featuring a vintage CC logo stripe, diamond quilted design, and a stunning vintage metal signature plate on top.
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