Discover the luxurious and versatile Replica Chanel Bags AS3260 SS Shoulder Bag/Handbag. This exquisite accessory is a must-have for any fashion-forward woman. Crafted from high-quality calfskin leather in a timeless black shade, it effortlessly adds sophistication and elegance to any ensemble.
The bag’s dimensions are 34.5cm in length, 8cm in width, and 37cm in height, with a net weight of 1KG and a gross weight of 2KG. Its model number, AS3260, signifies its exquisite design and craftsmanship by the renowned brand Chanel.
What sets this bag apart is its ability to be worn as both a shoulder bag and a handbag. Its comfortable shoulder strap height of 27cm ensures a pleasant experience even during extended wear. This versatile design allows you to effortlessly transition from a casual day out to a formal evening affair.
Chanel is well-regarded for its attention to detail and luxurious creations, and this bag is no exception. It is meticulously crafted to meet the needs of sophisticated women who appreciate quality and style.
If you’re looking for a chic and timeless addition to your collection, the Replica Chanel Bags AS3260 SS Shoulder Bag/Handbag is the perfect choice. Embrace the allure of Chanel and indulge in this exquisite accessory today.
Replica Chanel Bags As3260 Ss Shoulder Bag/Handbag
$788.00 Original price was: $788.00.$269.00Current price is: $269.00.
The Replica Chanel AS3260 SS Shoulder Bag/Handbag is a luxurious and versatile accessory crafted from high-quality calfskin leather, perfect for fashion-forward women looking to add elegance and sophistication to their collection.
16 reviews for Replica Chanel Bags As3260 Ss Shoulder Bag/Handbag
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Women's Bags
Georgiana (verified owner) –
I love the stylish design of this bag. It’s the perfect accessory for any occasion.
Eudora (verified owner) –
Love! u2764ufe0fu2764ufe0fu2764ufe0f this is my 4th order from this seller and I couldnu2019t be happier! This bag is almost a mirror replica to the dauphine mm. The gold chain is slightly longer than the original, other than that, this bag is amazing. I know you canu2019t tell, but this has the magnetic closure and the magnet feels pretty strong. Sticking looks good and there are very, very minor glazing issues. Monogram placement for both the original and reverse prints are lined up with the closure like the original. You will not regret buying this bag. Well worth more than double the price for this quality. Beautiful bag and this seller is absolutely amazing! Comes with dustbag and packaged very well. u2764ufe0fu2764ufe0fu2764ufe0f
Darlene (verified owner) –
beautiful bags, thank you so much for always meeting such high expectations u2764
Joyce (verified owner) –
This is my first time buying from this seller and I’m impressed with the quality of this bag. It comes with everything including the dust bag as well as the authenticity card. I’m pretty surprised with how fast it arrived since I ordered it on the 21st of November and it arrived just 11 days later despite the COVID situation. It was also free shipping when I ordered it so that was a great bonus. Thank you so much, I will definitely buy more products from your store.
Darrel (verified owner) –
So happy with the purchase, will be buying more colorways! Fits great very spot on. 100 trust this seller. Shipping took a while but thatamp;apos;s to be expected.
Lane (verified owner) –
I came in 2 weeks. Quality is good. I have to go fast.
Royal (verified owner) –
PERFECT!! I received my package EXACTLY 14 days after placing the order. Item was exactly as described int he advertisement. i’m very happy with this purchase – THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Egil (verified owner) –
Very nice product and package,great service,seller shipped very fast and price is very good too,i will reorder
Farrah (verified owner) –
Itu2019s great, exactly like the pictures
Peggy (verified owner) –
This bag is the perfect blend of luxury and functionality. I couldn’t be happier with my purchase.
Dawn (verified owner) –
The price of the bags at this store is very reasonable considering the quality of the product.
Joy (verified owner) –
I will continue to buy next time, I hope the delivery will be faster, although I know this is difficult, of course this is not caused by the seller
Glynnis (verified owner) –
I’m so happy with my purchase of this bag, it’s the perfect size and has all the right features.
Gilbert (verified owner) –
I love how my bag is so well made, it’s definitely worth the investment.
Valda (verified owner) –
I love how this store has such a wide selection of bags to choose from! I was able to find exactly what I was looking for.
Noelle (verified owner) –
I am so happy with my purchase of this bag. It’s the perfect size and the quality is outstanding.