Introducing the stunning Replica Chanel 22 Handbag in Black with a Silver Metal Chain. This exquisite handbag comes in two sizes, measuring 36 x 36 x 8 cm and 39 x 42 x 8 cm.
The Chanel 22 Handbag features a shiny calfskin leather strap with an interwoven chain detail, giving it a sophisticated and edgy look. The silver-tone metal coral adds a touch of elegance to the bag.
With its interlocking CC closure and interior zipper closure, you can trust that your belongings are secure. The handbag also boasts a large interior center zipped pocket, perfect for keeping your essentials organized. Additionally, there is an extra large interior pocket for added convenience.
The interior is lined with luxurious brown lambskin, adding a touch of luxury to the bag. The classic back pocket is a practical feature, allowing easy access to your belongings.
The Replica Chanel 22 Handbag is a must-have accessory for any fashion-forward individual. Its timeless design and impeccable craftsmanship make it a versatile choice for any occasion.
Shop now and elevate your style with this stunning handbag from Chanel.
Replica Chanel 22 Handbag Black With Silver Metal Chain
$239.00 – $259.00
Get the classic and chic Replica Chanel 22 Handbag in Black with a Silver Metal Chain, featuring a spacious interior, interlocking CC closure, and stylish shiny calfskin leather strap.
Size | 36*36 cm, 39*42cm |
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