The Replica Hermes Aaa-Constance Handbag in 24cm and 19cm sizes is available in black, white, and pink colors. This handbag is named after the French word “constancy,” which represents perseverance, trustworthiness, and staying true to oneself – qualities that reflect the essence of Hermès.
In 1967, Jean-Louis Dumas approached a fashionable expectant woman to design a bag for Hermès. Inspired by her pregnancy, she named the bag Constance, after her daughter. The Constance Handbag perfectly captures the spirit of urban fashion with a touch of sportiness. It is a practical and casual bag designed for women who exude confidence and style. It is a bag that symbolizes the possibilities of its time and transcends trends, making it a timeless piece of elegance.
The Constance Handbag is available in two sizes: the Constance 24 and the Constance 19. The Constance 24 measures 24cm in length, 17cm in height, and 5cm in width. On the other hand, the Constance 19 measures 19cm in length, 14cm in height, and 5cm in width. Crafted in France, this handbag is a testament to the impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail of Hermès.
The Constance Handbag is more than just a fashion accessory; it is a symbol of lineage and tradition. Passed down from mother to daughter, this bag carries with it the stories of previous generations, making it a cherished heirloom. With its timeless elegance and practicality, the Constance Handbag is an essential addition to any woman’s wardrobe.
Replica Hermes Aaa-Constance Handbag 24Cm&19Cm Black/White/Pink
$4,890.00 Original price was: $4,890.00.$309.00Current price is: $309.00.
The Constance handbag is a timeless and elegant piece, embodying the qualities of perseverance, trustworthiness, and being true to oneself, designed by a fashionable young woman in 1967 and named after her daughter. This practical and casual bag with a quietly sporty spirit is perfect for women with a confident stride, and it is a bag that is passed on from mother to daughter.
color | black, brown, green, grey, pink, white, yellow |
constance-size | 19x14x5cm, 24x17x5cm |
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