Introducing the stunning Replica Chanel 21S Deauville Orange Yellow Large Shopping Bag A66941. This stylish bag measures 15 L x 8 W x 12 H (38 x 32 x 18 cm) and is made from high-quality mixed fibers.
Featuring a vibrant yellow color with eye-catching neon orange stitch detailing, this bag is sure to make a statement. It is equipped with yellow leather top handles and silver chain shoulder straps with a 12-inch drop, providing both style and versatility.
On the front of the bag, you’ll find the iconic CHANEL CC 31 RUE CAMBON PARIS logo in neon orange thread, showcasing the brand’s signature elegance. The bag is made from a durable and stylish yellow/neon orange mixed fibers canvas fabric material.
Securing your belongings is made easy with the magnetic button closure. Inside, you’ll find a zipper compartment, slip pockets, and a convenient key ring clip. Additionally, the bag comes with a detachable wristlet pouch for added convenience.
Elevate your style with the Replica Chanel 21S Deauville Orange Yellow Large Shopping Bag A66941, a true fashion statement perfect for any occasion.
Replica Chanel 21S Deauville Orange Yellow Large Shopping Bag A66941
$742.00 Original price was: $742.00.$339.00Current price is: $339.00.
The Replica Chanel 21S Deauville Orange Yellow Large Shopping Bag is a vibrant and stylish bag made with mixed fibers, featuring yellow leather handles, silver chain shoulder straps, and the iconic CHANEL logo, with a detachable wristlet pouch.
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